ThriftCon Houston 2024

Save the date for ThriftCon Houston 2024 on June 8th & June 9th!
The following information is from ThriftCon Houston:
ThriftCon™, the nation’s premier vintage clothing and collectible convention returns to HOUSTON! ThriftCon™ is a vintage shoppers' dream. Featuring 100+ curated vendors as well as multiple activations and installations celebrating vintage and retro culture.
ThriftCon™ is the world's FIRST and ONLY PREMIER vintage clothing and collectible convention. ThriftCon™ will host thousands of products ranging from valuable vintage Men's and Women's clothing, classic collectibles, furniture and home goods, and so much more!
No more digging through bins. Forget the garage and estate sales... ThriftCon has arrived.
General Information:
Click here to purchase tickets
Children under 13 are free
NRG Park, 1 Fannin St
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM