March 14, 2019

Native Plants Installation

The Katy Prairie Conservancy is partnering with the Houston Museum of National Science to install several “native showplace gardens” in the Museum District to showcase plants indigenous to the area.
On March 19, conservancy officials and community volunteers will begin installing the nine gardens near the museum’s Cockrell Butterfly Center and the Metro Rail line on San Jacinto Street. They said the showcase garden, which will feature nine Texas native plants, will demonstrate how local residents will be able to incorporate such plants in their own gardens or yards, officials said.
Anyone interested in assisting with the installation or observe how to create a garden with native plants is welcome to attend the March 19 event. It will run from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. The address for the Houston Museum of Natural Science is 5555 Hermann Park Drive. Representatives from the Katy Prairie Conservancy and the Garden Club of Houston will be near the Cockrell Butterfly Center.

Source: Houston Chronicle

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