April 24, 2020

Local Artist Hosts Drive By Art Exhibition

Local artist Allan Rodewald is getting creative; well more creative, in the wake of COVID-19 shutdowns. The local artist is hosting a drive-by art exhibition this Saturday. He will be placing several works out on his front lawn so people can drive by and view them. While the artist says selling a piece would be a great bonus, he was just looking for something fun for people to do.

The drive-by exhibition, scheduled for 3-8 p.m. April 25, will include around 15 pieces of work hung along the cement brick wall around his home, 1402 Dart St., Houston.

Rodewald said there is room for some cars to park and the street allows for drivers to loop around easily.

(Image associated with this story is not Rodewald's work. To learn more about Rodewald, go to https://www.allanrodewald.com)

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